
Service description

What is

service Ports

Statistical ratings by ports. At the moment there are more than 60 Russian ports in the database.

Daily update

Our team of analysts in real time processes and enters new information into the platform database

100% verified data

The reliability of data is ensured by obtaining and processing information from various sources

Data export

With the help of special functionality, the user can export data to MS Excel for further work

Application benefits

Statistical ratings

in service Ports

Using this service, you can analyze the summary information on shipments in various sections in a convenient graphical form.

Vessels on the way

Operational summary of ships on the way to ports. Tracking the date of expected arrival and the estimated time of the vessel’s berthing for loading


Vessels in the roads

Operational summary of ships in the roadstead in ports. The approximate date and time of the vessel’s mooring for loading is tracked


Vessels under loading

Operational summary of ships in the process of loading. The estimated time of the end of the loading of the vessel is tracked


Ships that have completed loading

Operational summary of ships that have finished loading and are heading to their destination