This year, there was no region whose harvest was not affected by weather events.
Somewhere there were showers, somewhere there were frosts, somewhere hail, somewhere drought.
Of course, all this affected the harvest both in time and in quantity.
Given all these factors, the Ministry of Agriculture is of particular concern to the agricultural insurance system and the need to amend it.
According to the National Union of Insurers, about 4.5 million hectares of agricultural crops have been insured in Russia on the terms of state support.
The volume of insurance premiums under contracts is about 2.7 billion rubles.
Most of the insured lands suffered from drought and frost, about 900 million rubles of damage was declared.
Some applications are in the process of being considered.
But if we compare the declared losses with the real losses of agrarians from the influence of weather conditions in the amount of 40 billion rubles, it becomes clear that not everything is in order with the agricultural insurance system.
At the moment, insurers have the right not to pay out insurance if the formal criteria established by Roshydrometr, and which are duplicated by the insurance rules, are not satisfied.
Therefore, the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia are preparing amendments to the existing law on agricultural insurance.
According to the draft, such a concept as emergency situation (emergency situation) will be introduced into the law.

Of course, at the moment, the law contains such concepts as drought, flood, etc. — what causes damage to agriculture.
The introduction of the concept of emergency situations will entail the recognition of an insured event, even if the events that have occurred do not reach the established criterion.
For example, there was a drought in the region, but the number of dry days did not reach the number required for an insured event.
At the same time, the farmer suffered real damage and lost part of the harvest.
According to the new bill, even if formally the criteria are not met, but the fact of death or shortage of the crop is established for a combination of factors recognized as an emergency, the occurrence of an insured event will be recognized.
Also in the process of discussion is the question of which cases will be recognized as an emergency.
A separate discussion arose on what should be the minimum area affected by an emergency. After all, the differentiation of the share in different districts should be obvious: there are small regions, and there are industrial giants.
Another important point is the appeal for state subsidies from farmers who have not insured their agricultural lands against an emergency. This situation must be excluded.
The bill also provides for a reduction in the share of agricultural spending on insurance to 30%, which will make it possible to reach a wider audience.
As of July 1, the largest area is insured in the Altai Territory (356.4 thousand hectares), the Voronezh region (280.2 thousand hectares), followed by the Omsk, Orenburg and Tambov regions with 267.1 thousand hectares, 234.3 thousand hectares and 223.2 thousand hectares. respectively.
And although these indicators are higher than those of the same regions last year, the overall coverage of the agricultural insurance system is still insufficient.
Therefore, in the opinion of both agricultural insurers and representatives of government bodies, the law needs to be revised. A system of agricultural insurance should be created that will correspond to Russia’s position as the world’s leading agrarian power.