The XXII International Grain Round «Grain Market — Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow» has ended

Despite all the restrictions, the hospitable Metropol (formerly Kempinski Grand Hotel) welcomed over 1000 grain conference participants.
The agricultural year 2020/21, which is drawing to a close, has been a very challenging one in our industry.
The current situation in the world as a whole, the Russian harvest this year allowed many companies to stay afloat.
But the regulation of the export market of the agro-industrial complex introduced by the state could not but raise questions among the participants of the Round. And attempts to all together seek a way out of the situation that will allow maintaining a balance between the interests of the state and business.
An appeal was prepared to the federal and regional legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation with a demand to abandon customs-tariff and non-tariff restrictions on the grain and oilseeds market.
According to the vice-president of the Russian Grain Union Alexander Korbut, the government is considering the idea of changing the mechanism for calculating duties from weekly to monthly.

Duties are a long-term factor, and you have to learn to live with them. The mechanism should be adjusted so as not to take too much of the income from the agricultural sector.
Control over the field of crop production will increase, and digitalization will reach such heights when the government will control all financial flows.
But the grain round was not only lively for many hours of heated discussions: a large number of companies presented their developments in the field of grain business.
TBI Group of Companies introduced the participants of the round to the Logistic OS analytical project, providing participants with a free test access to the program for a month.

New partnerships are being established in the field of container shipping, which our company is engaged in, while having its own container terminal on the territory of the Novorossiysk port.
By tradition, we have brought gifts to both new and existing partners.

Our stand was very crowded. Thanks to everyone who gave us their time, we hope that our acquaintance as a result will develop into a mutual and mutually beneficial cooperation.
And of course, many thanks to the Russian Grain Union, which was not only able to gather such a number of participants, but also to create a wonderful atmosphere conducive to work and rest.