The proposal is under discussion at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Now the calculation of the reference index of prices for wheat is based on data from the ports of the Black Sea basin, the largest of which is the terminals of the port of Novorossiysk.
Almost half of all export wheat is shipped through the deep-water ports of the Black Sea basin.
For example, in the 2020/21 agricultural year, 17,513 thousand tons of wheat were exported through the Black Sea ports.

The system consists of several modules: Line-up, Export Date, Ratings, Ports, Cargoes, Vessels, as well as a large number of reference books.
Users are given the opportunity to use various analytical tools and download data in the format Excel.
When there is a need to receive data on shipments through certain ports, then in the «Ports» module, you must select either a specific port or a group of ports of the required basin and a time interval (in this case, from July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2021. )
The resulting diagrams show which grain loads and how much were exported across the selected basins.
Many representatives of small and medium-sized businesses ship wheat for export through shallow-water ports.
At the same time, wheat prices on low water are traditionally lower than in deep-water ports.
Taking into account the prices on the Sea of Azov when calculating the index, on the one hand, may mean some weakening of the restrictive regime.
On the other hand, mainly wheat with a protein content of 12.5% passes through the ports of the Black Sea. While the ports of Azov export a very wide range: from fodder to wheat with protein up to 15.3%.
The average quality of wheat shipped through the Sea of Azov is also higher: from 12.5% to 15.3%. It is exported mainly to Turkey.
Therefore, the inclusion of Azov wheat in the calculation may make the duty less predictable and the decrease insignificant.
In addition, the chairman of the Union of Grain Exporters Eduard Zernin told Interfax that there is no need to switch from weekly to monthly calculation of the export duty, because changing the values once a month can lead to high risks of losses for exporters.
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