The government will earn up to 100 billion rubles on duties for farmers

The draft budget, which is currently being considered, includes revenues from grain exports in the amount of 58.7 billion rubles, vegetable oil — 37.6 billion rubles.

The government plans that the export duty on grain will bring more and more income every year:

2023 — 63 billion rubles.

2024 — 67 billion rubles.

This year is the first year that manufacturers and exporters have faced duties on most products.

At the same time, duties grew very quickly. For example, for wheat, the rate from February 15 was 25 euros per ton, from March 1 — already 50 euros per ton. Since June 2, Russia switched to floating duties — and they also continue to grow following the external market.

On September 1, a floating duty on vegetable oil was also introduced. This can also become a significant source of income for the Russian budget.

At the same time, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev is sure that the duties have justified themselves.

«We see the damper mechanism permanently operating. I am sure that if we had not introduced it, prices on the Russian market would now be significantly higher than the current ones. And so we managed to maintain a price balance between the interests of farmers, grain processors and livestock breeders», — he thinks.

It is assumed that all the funds raised will not go away from the agricultural sector and will be used to further support agricultural producers.

According to Maxim Titov, Director of the Department for Regulation of Agro-Industrial Complex Markets of the Ministry of Agriculture, over 10 billion rubles have already been allocated for this purpose.

Export quotas for next year will be kept as well


In addition to duties, the government plans to keep quotas for the next season.

They will be calculated according to the historical principle (taking into account what volumes the company sold this year), and the total volume will be determined based on the harvested crop and the real possibilities of the country — how much it can sell in order not to cause a deficit in the domestic market.

It is planned that quotas will be introduced again for the period from February 15 to June 30. They will be tariff — that is, if the quota is exceeded, you will have to pay a much larger fee.

Currently, grain exports from Russia are very active.

So, from the beginning of the season until September 30, 9.4 million tons of grain were sold abroad. The main buyers are Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, as well as Nigeria and Israel.