By 2030, our country can enter the TOP-5 world exporters of culture.
For a long time, Russia was a net importer of corn, and since 2009 it has become a net exporter, entering the TOP-10 world suppliers of crops.
In the world among grain crops, corn ranks first in terms of production and consumption: in 2020/21. MG maize harvested 1.1 billion tons (at the same time, the wheat harvest amounted to 773 million tons).
Over the past five years, global corn trade has grown by 38%, exceeding 188 million tons in the 2020/21 season.
During 2021, Russia exported 4.257 million tons of corn (according to the Logistic OS analytical platform).
Compared to the same period in 2020, crop supplies abroad increased by 13.3%.

The main shipments of corn (513.1 thousand tons) passed through the port of Taman.
Top 5 ports exporting corn in 2021:

Also, by road 312.3 thousand tons were sent abroad.
Railway exported 311.9 thousand tons.
Download schedule by month:

In Russia, TD Rif LLC became the main supplier of corn to foreign markets, having shipped 259.5 thousand tons.

The TOP-10 exporters included:

Japan is the world’s largest importer of corn: the country annually buys more than 15 million tons of grain.
Also in the «five» of the leading buyers of culture is Mexico, China, Vietnam and the Republic of Korea.
Russia, as a grain supplier, is mainly focused on the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.
In 2021, the main buyers of Russian corn were:
Iran (1.167 million tons)
Turkey (1.078 million tons)
South Korea (508.1 thousand tons)

Also in the TOP-10 importers are:

According to the forecast of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, by 2030 the volume of world trade in corn will increase by 29 million tons (up to 207 million tons), and Russia may enter the TOP-5 world suppliers.
Data on current shipments in the ports of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, historical data on shipments of grain since 2012 can be generated on the basis of the analytical platform Logistic OS.
The system consists of several modules: Line-up, Export Date, Ratings, Ports, Cargoes, as well as a large number of directories.
Users are given the opportunity to use various analytical tools and export data in Excel format.
In order to get data on trade turnover, exporters, importing countries of any port, you need to select a country, type of cargo, port of interest or a specific basin and time interval in the «Ports» module.
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