Russia is increasing the production and export of agricultural products

Despite a difficult year in many respects, the Russian agro-industrial complex not only did not sink, but even grew.

According to INFOLine data, agricultural production this year increased by about 5% compared to last year.

Such results can be summed up taking into account the readings for 10 months of the current year.

Moreover, 5% is a fairly large amount; the agro-industrial complex has not shown such an increase since 2013.

This year’s good performance was largely due to the high harvest of grain and oilseeds, which also turned out to be a record. The livestock sector is also doing well.

But in the manufacturing industry, everything is not so positive: according to the results of 10 months of this year, food production shows an anti-record, it grew by only 0.4%, and given the greatly increased prices, this is most likely a fall.

Beverage producers are in a better position.

Since many Western brands left Russia this year, a large niche has been vacated for local manufacturers, so their production has grown by about 4%.

Russia increases export


On the one hand, this year was also extremely difficult for exporters.

Indeed, many sanctions have been imposed on Russia, which, among other things, prohibit the import of its products to different countries, cause difficulties with logistics, insurance and sending transfers.

However, despite all this, Russian agricultural exports are not going to sag at all.

So far, the FCS does not publish any data, like many Russian companies. But according to information from importers of Russian products, we can conclude that Russian exporters will be able to earn about $40 billion by the end of this year, while a year ago it was about $37 billion.

Not only that: according to INFOLine surveys, about half of the Russian exporters surveyed spoke about their plans to increase exports.

This also applies to Europe.

Although its states are included in the list of «unfriendly», in fact, they not only continue to buy products from Russia, but also increase agricultural imports.

For example, over the current year it can grow by more than 33%, and by 10% in physical terms. The total volume of supplies to the EU can reach up to 1.5 billion euros.

However, this is not so much, the export of agro-industrial complex from Russia to Europe is just over 10%, while 80% goes to «friendly» countries.

By the way, one of the keys to the success of all Russian agricultural exports this year was the correct definition of the main directions and buyer countries — the reorientation to Asia, the Persian Gulf and Africa began several years ago.