Global warming threatens food security

In recent years, the reduction of hydrocarbon emissions has been an important trend in many countries, but so far it has not been possible to defeat global warming.

The environmental agenda, so fashionable lately, has become one of the factors that provoked another energy crisis.

At the same time, the process of global warming has not yet been stopped.

For example, the World Meteorological Organization predicts that in the next 5 years the average temperature in the world will rise by another 1.5 degrees compared to the previous record, which was reached in 2016.

The main task of combating global warming is to delay as much as possible the moment when such an increase takes place.

But at the moment, we see that the period between two increases of 1.5 degrees is less than 10 years, and this is a very disappointing result.

What is global warming causing?


Every +0.1 degree is a serious set of consequences for the entire planet. For example, last year Europe was hit by a record-breaking drought in the last 500 years.

Among the problems that it caused were a serious decrease in crops and a decrease in electricity generation due to the shallowing of rivers, which creates problems for hydroelectric power plants.

In addition, food prices could rise significantly, European Commission spokesman Miriam Garcia Ferrer warns, as severe crop failures cause food shortages.

For example, Spain is in such big trouble that it is already asking for help from the EU. This April, there was only half of the monthly rainfall, so water is being transported to homes by trucks, and the reservoirs are only half full.

But the worst situation is in agriculture: farmers are already reporting that the loss could be up to 80% of the crop, which will be a record level in decades.

But in Spain, a significant part of olives and fruits is grown, so the whole EU will notice its problems.

In Italy, the situation is no better: up to 80% of the water is spent on agriculture, and still it is not enough.

What about in other countries?


The problems are not only in Europe. The US, Canada and Russia are heavily affected by wildfires.

For example, in 2021, up to 18.2 million hectares of forest burned down. With a high probability this and next summer the situation may repeat itself.

And as the process of global warming progresses, it is possible that with each new year it will become more and more difficult to fight the spread of forest fires.

At the same time, there is no working strategy to reverse the trend of rising temperatures in the world.