Rice breeding is being developed in China

An Innovation Center has opened in China — one of the most modern factories for the production of rice seeds, which uses a full range of advanced technologies.

One of the main tasks of the new center, which should begin to fully operate this month, is the selection and production of rice seeds.

The work is expected to use extensive automation. For example, seed processing and selection are carried out completely without human intervention.

This will allow you to select the best seeds that will provide farmers with a good harvest in specific conditions. In addition, automation is also used when packaging finished seed material.

A high degree of automation, as experts note, is very helpful in significantly reducing the cost of time, as well as financial resources.

The center will provide farmers with many services


In particular, we are talking about remote sensing of fields, providing accurate meteorology and cost-effective crop protection.

In addition, algorithms based on artificial intelligence are able to manage farming, offering the necessary decisions based on incoming data.

It is expected that this will also be a good help for farmers. The important thing is that the center offers ready-made solutions that can simply be ordered as a service, without spending a lot of effort and money on the development and implementation of certain technologies.

The center will help build a unified system


Among other things, the Innovation Center is actively involved in monitoring the entire rice growing process, from seed selection to marketing of finished products.

This becomes possible due to the fact that individual warehouses are added to the system developed by the center and procurement information is entered.

It also allows us to draw many different conclusions, such as which varieties of rice perform best in a particular region.

Interestingly, this system is based on blockchain technology, that is, data is stored not in one place, but on many devices belonging to different people. This significantly increases the security of data storage and makes it almost impossible to corrupt it.

China hopes that the creation of such an Innovation Center will allow everyone who works in the field of rice farming to receive significant assistance in developing technologies specifically in their field, find problems and quickly eliminate them.

In general, the launch of such solutions should help China increase its own rice production and become a country that is fully capable of ensuring its food security.