Бразилия запускает собственное производство калия

The largest national project related to the extraction of potassium and the production of fertilizers from it is starting in Brazil.

The Brazilian company Brazil Potash has finally received a license to build a mine that will extract potash.

It is emphasized that achieving this was very difficult: it took several years of various studies, including environmental, sociological and others.

Now that the license has been received, the Brazilian industry has every chance to begin producing potash fertilizers on its own.

So far, 80% of fertilizers are imported into the country, and if we talk about potash fertilizers, then 98%, the main part of which comes from Russia, Belarus and Israel.

This leads to high costs for Brazilian farmers, because logistics are very expensive: the route is 10-20 thousand kilometers.

The development of our own production of potash fertilizers in the country would solve many issues, increasing the country’s independence from foreign suppliers, reducing the cost of fertilizers for farmers and, as a consequence, the final cost of their products for the population.

At the same time, Brazil is one of the largest players in the global agricultural market, and agricultural products make up as much as 30% of the structure of its exports. In particular, this country actively exports orange juice, soybeans and corn, sugar cane and cotton.

With more potassium fertilizers, it will be possible to significantly increase the yield of all these crops, experts say, since potassium helps strengthen the stems of plants, and this greatly increases their resistance to pests and diseases, as well as to high and low temperatures.

Brazil’s large-scale purchase of potash fertilizers looks all the more strange since it has a huge potash pool on its territory.

It is now planned that open-pit potassium mining and mine construction will begin in the near future. From a social point of view, the initiative is also very important for Brazil, since it could create up to 10 thousand jobs.

“We are very pleased to receive a license for the installation of the mine from the State Institute of Environmental Protection of the Amazon.

For several years, Brazil Potash has been waiting for this moment to show that it is possible to conduct sustainable mining operations in the Amazon region.

With the support of the Autazes Potash Project from the Moore First Nation, we can show the world that it is possible to achieve greater development in local communities with a better quality of life.

This truly means a win-win situation for the Brazilian economy, its people and the world,” said Adriano Espeshit, president of the Potássio do Brasil association.