China has become the leader in greenhouse farming in the world

The volume of greenhouse cultivation of vegetables and fruits today is actively growing all over the world, but the countries of the global South can be called leaders in this area.

Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have found that the bulk of greenhouse growing of vegetables, fruits and berries today occurs outside of Europe.

This industry is mainly developed in the countries of the global South. The global South includes Africa, Asia, and South America.

Interestingly, the total area of ​​greenhouses in the global South is already 2.7 times larger than in the global North.

Such conclusions were made based on information obtained from satellite images. Scientists have found that the total area of ​​greenhouses on the planet is about 1.3 million hectares. It is noteworthy that this is almost three times more than was previously thought.

At the same time, China accounts for about 60% of all areas; it is the undisputed leader by a wide margin.

The countries that occupy the remaining 2 places in the top 3, Spain and Italy, have only 5% each.

In total, greenhouse farming is developed today in approximately 119 countries, the researchers note.

What is the reason for the popularity of greenhouses?


We can name several reasons why today many farmers choose this particular production format.

Firstly, this is the emergence of a higher standard of living in many countries; as a result, people want more fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, regardless of the time of year, and greenhouses can provide them.

By the way, it is noted that clusters of greenhouses are usually located just near large modern megacities.

Secondly, greenhouses can become a unique response to the challenge associated with water shortages in many regions of the world, which is only getting worse today.

Each greenhouse is a closed ecosystem from which water is practically not lost, and this allows for significant water savings. For countries with arid climates, this is an extremely important opportunity.

The third factorthat could influence the popularity of greenhouses is government support.

In China, for example, support for greenhouse farming has become very noticeable, so many farmers would like to become part of such a program.

“China’s boom appears to be closely linked to its strong economic performance over the past decade and its growing urban population with purchasing power.

People want tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and other types of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, farmers who would otherwise be unable to finance this form of cultivation are receiving government subsidies and support to build greenhouses and study cultivation techniques,” says Xiaoye Tong, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Geosciences.