The largest agricultural companies are expanding their land bank

According to the latest data, the top 10 largest agricultural holdings in Russia have not changed, while their total land bank has become even higher.

The consulting company BEFL has once again compiled a list of companies that own land assets in the Russian Federation. This time, the list included 77 companies, which is 4 companies more than last year.

In total, these 77 companies own 18.5 million hectares of land.

Compared to last year, this is an increase of 1.1 million hectares. At the same time, the areas managed by the first 5 companies on the list have expanded significantly. They now amount to 4.6 million hectares instead of 4.4 million a year earlier.

It is noteworthy that these top 5 companies own more than 25% of the total area of ​​the entire land bank of Russia.

The composition of the top 10 has not changed for the first time in several years.

In first place, just like a year ago, is Miratorg, which owns 1.22 million hectares of land. At the same time, it is also the leader in terms of area growth over the year: they increased by 116 thousand hectares.

In second place is the agricultural complex named after. Tkachev, in a year he increased his land bank from 1.1 million hectares to 1.13 million.

Next in third place is Prodimex, which owns 900 thousand hectares, followed by Rusagro with 689 thousand. Ekoniva is in fifth place.

Also in the top ten are companies such as the Steppe agricultural holding, Bio-Ton, Agroinvest, Avangard-Agro, and Sibagro.

There are also companies that dropped out of the rating.

These are, in particular, the Zarechnoye group of companies, the Ravis agricultural holding and the Komsomolets breeding farm. Moreover, all these companies were sold to others, which allowed the latter to further increase their capabilities.

In general, today the trend towards consolidation continues, which has long been clearly visible in the agricultural sector.

“On the one hand, current rating participants are expanding their land assets. Leaders are growing, average players are moving into the category of major players.

On the other hand, the number of companies in the ranking is increasing due to the consolidation of stronger market players, as well as greater openness of the market,” experts note.

Experts also point out that the growth of companies today is still carried out mainly through mergers and acquisitions.

It is also interesting that some analysts believe that according to the results of last year, the crop production industry did not justify itself, so the interests of many players are gradually shifting towards other industries, such as seed farming and livestock farming, which seem to them more promising and profitable.