Russia is increasing supplies of agricultural products to Tunisia

Over the past 5 years, exports of agricultural products to Tunisia have increased 8 times, while it has the potential for further growth.

Tunisia is a country in North Africa, and recently the supply of agricultural products there from Russia has increased manifold.

It is possible that in the foreseeable future they may increase further and exceed the mark of about 400 million dollars. This was discussed at the International Food Exhibition in Africa “IFSA 2024”.

At the same time, Tunisia has the potential to become one of the important importers of Russian products in several directions at once. Today, the most important products supplied to this country are wheat, barley and sunflower oil.

As for barley, Russia is today a key supplier to the Tunisian market for this type of product. However, there are plans to further increase and consolidate this presence.

The oil and fat line today is mainly represented by sunflower oil, and there are also plans to expand cooperation here.

For example, Russia is also going to increase the supply of soybean oil to Tunisia in the near future, since there is reason to believe that this product will be in high demand.

In addition, last year supplies of powdered milk began to Tunisia, and this is also a promising area that can be developed.

One of the most important areas of supply can be considered grain supplies.

Since Russia is one of the key players in the global grain market, Tunisia is interested in developing cooperation with it, representatives of this country stated during the conference.

In 2023, Tunisia purchased almost 1 million tons of grain from Russia, and the quality is quite satisfactory to importers.

There is every reason to expect that this rate of supply will be maintained this year, and perhaps even increased.

Finally, among other things, there is great potential to begin supplying yellow peas to Tunisia, which is also in demand in Tunisia, and its production in Russia is increasing.

At the same time, negotiations are underway to coordinate future supplies of meat and fish products.

In general, experts believe that Africa, and Tunisia in particular, can become a good alternative to the European market, in which Russia has recently lost its share due to protective duties imposed by the EU authorities.

Reorientation to other markets should allow Russian farmers to maintain their income and ensure stable demand for their products.