Russia expects a good oilseed harvest

The increase in the area under crops in the Russian Federation may lead to a significant increase in the harvest of sunflower, soybeans and rapeseed.

According to some experts, this year Russia may harvest up to 30 million tons of oilseeds.

In this case, the figure will be higher than in previous years. Such data are provided by the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies.

This year, 16 million hectares of sunflower, 4 million hectares of soybeans and 5 million hectares of rapeseed were planted in the Russian Federation. All of these are record figures, exceeding the figures of previous years.

Therefore, it is quite logical that we can expect record harvest figures. However, much depends on the weather.

«We have planted much more, so there is a possibility that the harvest will still be record-breaking, despite the problems.

No records are expected for sunflowers. We will have a decline in the harvest. The weather is bad in the South. Heat and rain can complicate ripening and harvesting.

Soybeans are also suffering from heat in the South, and the Far East is flooded, which is also not an optimal situation,” notes Dmitry Rylko, CEO of IKAR.

In general, it can be said that this season, the area under sunflower has slightly decreased, but the area under soybeans and rapeseed has increased significantly. For example, under soybeans, they have increased by 18%, under rapeseed by as much as 30%.

Based on all this, experts expect that the total sunflower harvest in the Russian Federation this season will be about 16 million tons, excluding new territories.

However, in the southern regions, the result may significantly worsen due to weather conditions.

At the same time, the soybean harvest may amount to 7.7 million tons, rapeseed — 5 million tons, all these are record values.

As for weather conditions, in the southern regions, where the harvesting campaign has already started, there has been hot weather for almost the entire summer, which may negatively affect the harvest in Kuban, which is one of the key regions producing oilseeds and other crops in the Russian Federation.

Currently, rapeseed harvesting is actively underway, and analysts note the fact that its pace is ahead of last year.

Farmers in the Volga region faced some difficulties in this regard due to rains, but by now the situation has stabilized.

The start of the soybean harvesting campaign is also expected in the near future.

At the same time, farmers cannot help but worry about the fall in world prices for rapeseed and rapeseed oil, as well as the decrease in demand from China for such products.

If such dynamics continue, there is a possibility of a decrease in the activity of farmers in terms of setting new records for the harvest.