Russia maintains status as net exporter of food products

According to the latest data, over the past year, the volume of food exports from the Russian Federation decreased by about 1%.

Since food exports fell by 1%, the balance of import and export of products from the Russian Federation shifted towards imports.

However, experts note that at the moment the country still remains a net importer of food. In general, the volume of foreign trade for 2027 amounted to 717 billion dollars.

In first place for now, mineral products, including oil and gas, remain.

In second place are metals.

Agroexports are in third place, experts note. It amounts to about 43 billion dollars.

At the same time, agroimports are also in third place in the import structure and amount to about 38 billion dollars, compared to the previous year, this is an increase of 7%.

Analysts note that at the moment the most active exports are to Asian countries. In 2024, it purchased various goods for almost 330 billion dollars, which is almost 8% more than in the previous year.

As for the main sources of imports, here the emphasis is mainly on Asian countries. Imports from there reach 190 billion dollars.

Cooperation in the field of trade with the countries of the African continent is also actively developing.

There is data that, in percentage terms, exports to Africa over the past year have increased by about 15% and now amount to about 24 billion dollars.

Imports from African countries also showed the most noticeable growth, which amounted to over 3%. At the moment, Russia purchases various products in Africa for about 3.5 billion dollars per year.

As for agricultural exports, there is reason to believe that by the end of 2024 they will be at the same level as in 2023. We are talking about the mark of about 43 billion dollars.

At the same time, in physical terms, shipment volumes were 10% higher than in 2023, but due to the fall in world prices, this did not lead to an increase in revenue.

As for the volume of agricultural exports from Russia next season, it will largely depend on the volume of the new harvest.

Experts believe that it may be one of the record-breaking ones if favorable weather conditions contribute to this: the low-snow winter and possible summer drought will not have too much of an impact.

At the same time, world prices for agricultural products, such as grain, are gradually recovering.

This gives producers hope that they will be able to sell their products at a greater profit than last season, when many enterprises had to balance on the brink of break-even.