To China, like oil

07/01/2020 — 08/23/2020 Overview of the sunflower oil export market using the Logistic OS analytical platform.

In the 2019/2020 agricultural year, the largest volume of exported oil crops and products of their processing fell on sunflower oil.

According to the analytical platform Logistic OS, 3,078,913 tons were shipped last season, which exceeded the shipments of the 2018/2019 agricultural year by 49% (2,055,202 tons).

2018/2019 agricultural year:

2019/2020 agricultural year:

In the current season, shipments of sunflower oil are still lagging behind last year:

from 1.07.2020 to 23.08.2020 exported 253 841 tons

the same period last year — 338 066 tons

The fall was 24.9%.

In 2020 (1.07.2020 — 23.08.2020), China became the main importer of sunflower oil — 33.81% of the total volume of sunflower oil exports.

Iran is in second place — 21.86%

Turkey is in third place — 14.29%

In 2019, in the same period, Iran occupied the first line among importers — 21.77%

Then came:

India — 19.51%

China — 18.13%

At the moment, China is one of the most promising markets for sunflower oil.

For a long time, the main oils consumed in this country were soybean, rapeseed and peanut, mostly produced from genetically modified raw materials.

But along with the growing trend for healthy eating, the demand for natural sunflower oil, which is considered premium in China, has grown.

Domestic production is not able to meet this demand: sunflower is not a traditional agricultural crop, and the area under crops for it is not increasing.

In addition, overseas products are perceived by the Chinese population as of better quality.

Russia in the eyes of China is one of the most environmentally safe countries.

At the end of 2019, Russia doubled its supplies to the Celestial Empire, to 390 000 tons (compared to 2018).

And in terms of value, this growth is even more global: + 74% ($ 273 million).

But the most important moment in China’s increasing exports of food products in general and sunflower oil, in particular, is the fear of a new round of trade confrontation with the United States.

This year, imports of food products from Russia for the first time came in second place after oil, having increased only in the first five months of 2020 by 25%.

And the largest contributors to this increase were sunflower oil, poultry, soybean and rapeseed oils.

But Russia was not the main supplier of sunflower oil to China, previously it was Ukraine.

Ukraine’s exports exceeded Russia’s three times in value terms.

But so far, since the beginning of this agricultural year, Russia is ahead of Ukraine in the supply:

Russia — 85 820 tons

Ukraine — 67,100 tons

Experts are confident that the growth in the supply of products with high added value will continue, unless, of course, politics interferes in this process.

The material was prepared based on the data of the Logistic OS analytical platform using the Export Data and Cargoes applications

Also, the platform began to implement the ability to access data on exports in international markets, including in Ukraine (read in detail)