The grain export market intensified on the eve of the entry into force of the restrictions.
After traders’ reports of delays in cargo at customs and an increase in world quotations, export prices for Russian wheat rose.
On December 18, wheat with 12.5% protein for January delivery stood at $ 257 tonnes FOB Black Sea ports, which is $ 5 more than last week.
Wheat for February delivery was offered at $ 260 / FOB.
At the same time, domestic prices without delivery decreased by 625 rubles / t (wheat grade 3) and reached the level of 15,100 rubles. per ton.
Amid all the current and future changes, export shipments have skyrocketed in volume:
1 000 039 tons of grain and pulses were shipped — almost 63% more than the previous week.

458,000 grain passed through the ports of Novorossiysk: growth amounted to 71.4%.
The leading importing country last week was Turkey, which exported 252,470 tonnes of grain across the Russian border, thus increasing shipments by 110% compared to the previous week.

Also in the «five» directions, where grain was shipped, included Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan.

In total, from the beginning of the 2020/21 season to December 20, 2020, 28,298 thousand tons of grain were supplied to world markets, while the benchmark for December 2020 was set at 3.7 million tons.
Against the background of the introduction of export quotas and duties, the forecast for the export of grain in general for the current season has been reduced by 2.5-3 million tons.
So far, since the beginning of December, 2 264 thousand tons of grain have been shipped, including 1 926 thousand tons of wheat.

Against the background of changes taking place in the export market of Russia, on December 21, 2020, at a meeting of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, it was announced that the country did not intend to impose any restrictions on the export of grain and oilseeds.
«Ukraine will continue to fulfill its obligations to export grain and ensure food security in the world,» the press service of the Ukrainian Grain Association underlines.
As the saying goes, «a holy place is never empty.»
(Analytics carried out on the meringue of Ratings and Export Data)