Compared to the previous rating from 2019, there have been some shifts in the list of leaders: the companies in the second and fourth places have changed.
Forbes first compiled this rating in 2005. Then the top leaders looked completely different: the first places were occupied by people and companies that bought most of the land in the central region of Russia (closer to Moscow). There were many oligarchs among them (for example, Roman Abramovich). But there were practically no agricultural workers: the bulk of the land fund was used for housing and manufacturing.
Today, everything is completely different: the list of leaders includes 20 companies, which in total own 8.3 million hectares of land. And practically all of these are agricultural enterprises.
According to Forbes, the top 5 largest landowners in Russia in 2020 looks like this:
- Agrocomplex them. Tkachev . Full-cycle production, both crop and livestock products are produced. The cost of the land exceeds 88 billion rubles. Moreover, they are located in the most “tasty” regions for agriculture: Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory.
- «Promidex» by Igor Khudokormov. It is engaged in the production of sugar, as well as the cultivation of legumes and oilseeds. Most of the land is located in the Central Black Earth Region.
- «Miratorg» by the Linnikov brothers . The main activity is meat production. Miratorg today owns the largest land bank in the country, and it is constantly growing (+660 thousand hectares over the past 7 years). But these are not the most expensive lands, so it is only in third place in terms of their total value (49 billion rubles).
- Agroholding «Step» by Vladimir Yevtushenkov (48.2 billion rubles). This includes plant growing, and horticulture, and milk production.
- Rusagro (crop production + meat and dairy production). The cost of the land is 43.9 billion rubles.
The changes this year are due to the fact that Promidex has risen two lines, while the agricultural holding Steppe has dropped.
But in general, we see that the list of leaders practically does not change: the same companies appear in it, which produce a significant amount of agricultural products both for domestic Russian consumption and for export.