World wheat prices continue to rise

Over the past week, the export value of Russian wheat has increased significantly: from $ 248 to $ 265 per ton. And it looks like this is far from the limit.

Wheat with 12.5% ​​protein showed a rise in price by $ 17 at once. Such data are provided by the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR).

At the same time, the increase in export prices this time is not associated with the introduction of duties.

Russian export prices are confidently following the global ones — and they are not going to stop growth either.

By the way, domestic prices for wheat are also slowly growing — within the Russian Federation, wheat of the 3rd and 4th classes has risen in price by 150 rubles per ton.

Currently, the cost of such wheat is 13,750 and 13,725 rubles per ton, respectively.

Why are world prices rising?

If you want, you can find many factors here, and they all pull prices up.

— China recently bought a large consignment of wheat from France. This increased the market deficit and increased the cost.

— In Argentina, as well as in Russia, export duties are being increased this year. This means that Argentine wheat will become more expensive.

— In the USA, Canada, France, Germany this year’s harvest is in doubt. In the first two countries — cold snap and frost, in the last two — soil drought.

By the way, in the USA, Canada and Europe, due to the listed factors, corn may not be yielded either.

And this also contributes to the rise in wheat prices: to some extent, these are replaceable goods.

All this leads to the fact that at the moment the world prices for wheat continue to rise.

For example, from April 16 to 23 on the Chicago Stock Exchange, wheat rose to $ 261.7 per ton (+ 9%), corn rose by 10% to $ 248.6 per ton, soybeans — by 6.6% to $ 557 per ton.


All this together may mean that it is not worth waiting for a drop in grain prices in the near future, and especially a sharp one.

After all, all the factors listed above pull the price for it in a completely different direction — up.