More wheat was exported in June than in the previous three months combined.
After the introduction of a floating duty on wheat, exports revived.
According to analysts, this situation was due to the fact that traders in the spring entered into contracts for delivery in June, expecting a rate cut.
In June 2021, 2,425 thousand tons of grain were exported through the ports of Russia.

Wheat was shipped 2 209 thousand tons. Thus, the results of June 2021 broke the record of 2018.

Almost half of the export shipments of wheat went through the terminals of Novorossiysk : 941 thousand tons. The results exceeded the indicators of May this year by 4 times, and in June 2020 — almost 4.7 times.
Turkey, Syria, Egypt are included in the TOP-3 largest importing countries of grain from Russia.

Turkey and Egypt are still in the lead in wheat imports. Syria closes the troika with a small margin from Egypt.

The floating export duty rate, which made exporters so happy at the beginning of June, was increasing every week: if from June 2 it was $ 28.1 per ton, then by June 30 (through July 5 inclusive) its size was already $ 41.3 per ton, from 7 to On July 13, the duty rate was set at $ 41.2 per ton.