Subsidies for wheat processors are planned to be introduced in the Krasnodar Territory

Such a measure of support was proposed by the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev.

The proposal was put forward at a meeting held in Ust-Labinsk.

The Governor stressed that the main efforts should be directed to expanding the processing of durum wheat.

This will load factories and increase added value in the region.

To achieve these plans, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for regional processing enterprises.

One of the support measures V. Kondratyev proposed to introduce subsidies for regional processors, provided that they buy wheat from local agricultural producers.

Today 70% of wheat harvested in the Kuban is exported.

The introduction of new support measures should contribute to the expansion of processing enterprises, which, in turn, will increase the production of products that can compete in world markets in terms of price and quality.

The Krasnodar Territory will allocate 7.4 billion rubles for the development of the agro-industrial complex, of which 3 billion rubles will be used to subsidize the crop production sector.

At the moment, farmers have already received 2 billion rubles of federal and regional funds.

In addition to the field of crop production, the funds are planned to be used to subsidize the production of oilseeds.

The flour producers will be partially reimbursed for the purchase of wheat, which should stabilize the price of bread.

And bakery enterprises will be reimbursed part of the costs of selling products.