Corn production is growing in Russia

In recent years, all indicators for this crop have been going up: sown areas, yield, and annual harvest are increasing.

According to the expert-analytical center of agribusiness «AB-Center», sown areas of corn for grain are expanding annually.

True , they were at their maximum in 2017 (over 3 thousand hectares). In 2018, they fell sharply to 2,450 hectares — influenced by the decline in the cost of corn.

But in subsequent years, there was an increase. For example, in the current season 118 thousand hectares more were sown with corn, which is about + 4%.

But the cultivation of corn for feed and silage is gradually declining .

Despite the fact that this year it decreased imperceptibly (-1%), but on a large scale, the drop in volumes is very noticeable.

For example, over 10 years the harvest of corn for feed has decreased by 23%, over 20 years — by 2.5 times, over 30 years — by 7.7 times.

This is largely due to a general decline in livestock production in Russia. The number of livestock, in particular, of cattle has decreased significantly, which caused a decrease in demand.

In the current season, imports of corn seeds from Europe have slightly decreased. If in 2020 33.7 thousand tons were imported, then in the first half of this year the volume of imports fell by 9%.

2021 showed an increase in the corn harvest


Last year, the volume of the corn crop in Russia showed a decline of 2.8% compared to 2019.

However, now we are seeing a recovery: according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), in 2021 Russia can harvest up to 15.5 million tons of corn (+ 12%).

Interestingly, almost half of this volume (45%) falls on only 5 Russian regions:

Krasnodar Territory.

Kursk region.


Voronezh region.

Belgorod region.

And if you add 5 more regions from the top 10, then in total they will give 70% of all corn.

One of the most important indicators is of course the yield. It grows very significantly if you analyze the long-term perspective.

1990s — 25 centners per hectare.

2000s — 32 c / ha.

2010 — 49 c / ha.

Against this background, exports are growing steadily. 2020 showed an increase of + 22% compared to 2019.

The current year (first half) showed an increase in corn exports by another 12%, compared to the same period last year.

In total, in the first half of 2011, 3 million tons of Russian corn were shipped abroad.

Domestic consumption in the country is also growing.

For 2020 it was: 1.1. million tons in the food industry, about 10 million tons for livestock feed.

For comparison — 10 years ago these figures were 0.7 million tons and 4 million tons, respectively.

As you can see, corn production in the Russian Federation is actively developing.

How active this process will be in the future largely depends on world prices. Recently, they have been actively growing: if in 2019 the price was 9-12 thousand rubles per ton, then in 2020-2021 it will be. –15-17 thousand rubles.