According to 2021 data, barley exports from Russia crossed the $1 billion dollars.
Barley is an important export item for Russia, despite the fact that it is mainly for domestic consumption and is inferior in terms of exports to crops such as wheat and corn.
At the same time, the Russian Federation remains the leader in the export of this crop in the world, twice ahead of its closest competitors: France and Germany.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, barley export revenue for 2021 increased by 10% compared to 2020.
This is a new record that has helped manufacturers significantly increase their revenue.
The main buyers of this crop from Russia are Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan. Their combined share in the structure of Russian barley exports is 57%.
Barley exports are falling
At the same time, a record growth in export volumes is observed only in monetary terms, natural exports are falling.
First of all, this is due to the fall in the harvest in Russia. In the 2021-2022 season it amounted to about 18 million tons, while in the previous season it was at the level of 20.9 million tons.
According to the same Ministry of Agriculture, from July 2021 to mid-2022, Russia exported 2.7 million tons less barley than a year earlier. The fall was at least 32%.
According to Igor Pavensky, head of the Rusagrotrans analytical center, it is planned to export about 3.7 million tons of barley by the end of the season.
This is almost half as much as last season: 6.5 million tons.
Why is natural export falling?
In addition to the obvious reason — the fall in the harvest in the Russian Federation — there are several more factors:
Reducing the share of fodder in the wheat crop. This means that this function falls on other crops, and in particular barley.
Increasing the export duty on barley, which reduces the desire of producers to send it abroad.
And as the General Director of the Institute for the Development of the Agrarian Market Dmitry Rylko noted, in the season that has begun, the main buyer of Russian barley is also changing — instead of Saudi Arabia, Turkey becomes it.
For example, at the end of September, Russia exported a total of approximately 1.45 million tons of barley.
(According to the analytical platform Logistic OS)

About 500 thousand tons of this volume was bought by Turkey.

As Rylko noted, this may be due to the fact that Saudi Arabia gave the import of barley into the hands of private companies, which led to a drop in the volume of its import into the country.
Data on current shipments in the ports of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, historical data on shipments of grain since 2012 can be generated on the basis of the Logistic OS analytical platform.
The system consists of several modules: Line-up, Export Date, Ratings, Ports, Cargoes, Vessels, as well as a large number of directories.
Users are given the opportunity to use various analytical tools and export data in Excel format.
In order to get data on trade turnover, exporters, importing countries of any port, you can use the «Ratings» or «Cargo» modules, select a country, type of cargo and time interval.
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