The agro-industrial complex in Primorye is developing with the support of China

The Chinese group of companies Legendagro is actively involved in the development of crop production in the region.

In particular, she plans to build a large agricultural park in the near future.

The discussion of this construction was recently held between the chairman of the board of directors of Legendagro Ren Jianchao and the governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemyako.

It is planned that the agricultural park will include, first of all, a grain terminal, as well as a soybean, rice and corn processing plant.

Basically, all these products are originally intended for export to China, Japan and Korea.

The construction of the plant and the terminal will maximize the profitability from the export of agricultural products to the market of the Asia-Pacific region.

It is noted that Legendagro has been actively present in the market of Primorye since 2018 and has already implemented large projects in the field of crop production.

But even more is planned: to increase the area under crops, to increase export volumes. To achieve this goal, the construction of an agricultural park is a necessary stage.

From the region — support, from a Chinese company — investments


According to Kozhemyako, the government of the region supports investments in deep processing of soybeans, as this opens up additional opportunities for the economy.

The governor added that he expects the Chinese side to invest in the mentioned facility at the level of 5 billion rubles, as well as to open at least 400 new jobs.

In addition, according to Kozhemyako, Legendagro could invest in the development of rice growing in Primorsky Krai.

This type of agriculture has been developed here for 100 years, and it is precisely according to Chinese and Korean technologies.

To date, a Chinese company could address the following issues:

Restoration of reclamation system for rice growing.

Return to circulation of wetlands.

This would be beneficial both for the region, as it would strengthen its economic potential, and for Chinese business, as it would provide an opportunity to make more profit.

This year, as the governor noted, about 22,000 tons of rice were harvested in Primorsky Krai.

But the development potential is much greater, and the regional Ministry of Agriculture supports the expansion of production with all its might.

As for the start of work on the construction of a grain terminal and a plant, the start of this project is not far off.

“The grain terminal will allow coastal agricultural producers to more actively supply their products to Asian markets.

We are ready to support you and make sure that this project is launched in the near future. Its first foundations can already be laid at the Eastern Economic Forum in 2023,” Kozhemyako noted.