Kuban farmers are completing rice sowing

In the Krasnodar Territory, this season it is planned to sow rice on an area of 110 thousand hectares, while it has already been sown on 55 thousand hectares.

As noted by Vice-Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Andrey Korobka, sowing is planned to be fully completed by May 15.

At the same time, culture is of high importance for the region.

“Rice is one of the strategic crops, since our region is its main producer in the country.

This year, farmers kept the sowing area at the 2023 level — 110 thousand hectares. There are enough water resources to ensure crops,” he noted.

At the moment, nothing should prevent successful sowing, since farmers are provided with everything they need.

This also applies to domestically produced rice seeds, mineral fertilizers, and plant protection products. About 1,000 pieces of agricultural machinery are already in use in the fields.

At the same time, Kuban is the most important region in the country in terms of rice farming; up to 60% of the total volume of this crop is harvested on its territory.

Last year, 715 thousand tons of rice were harvested. This is 132 thousand tons more than a year earlier, but this is not surprising: in 2022, an accident occurred at the Fedorovsky hydroelectric complex, which greatly damaged the rice-growing farms of this region.

It also affected rice production in the country in the second year: in 2022, only 920 thousand tons were harvested, while in 2023 it was possible to restore this figure to 1 million tons.

What other regions actively grow rice?


In second place in terms of rice production volumes — albeit by a large margin — is Dagestan, where 156 tons of this crop were harvested last year.

This season it is planned to increase the sown area from 20 thousand tons to 32 thousand tons.

As local officials note, the development of rice farming in the region is directly related to the support of regional authorities. Growing rice is an economically profitable area, but it requires a lot of effort and money for this area to continue to develop.

In the Astrakhan region, 24 thousand tons of rice were harvested last year, while the area under rice was only 8 thousand hectares.

In the next 3 years, these areas are planned to be tripled, which could lead to a significant increase in yield.

Local authorities consider the development of rice farming as one of the priority areas of agriculture, since the climatic conditions of the region are well suited for growing this crop.

In general, the region plans to grow up to 112 thousand tons of rice per year in the near future.