Turkey increases wheat exports to Russia

Exports of bulgur from Turkey to Russia – durum wheat cereal – may grow by about 20% this year.

Turkey is currently the world’s leading producer of bulgur – durum wheat cereal.

No less than 1 million tons of bulgur are produced annually in this country, with about a quarter of this total volume being exported.

The list of buyers of this product includes 125 countries, with Russia ranking second on this list, purchasing about 6-7% of the volume of Turkish bulgur exports.

At the moment, we see that the pace of deliveries is growing.

For example, last year Russia purchased about 16 thousand tons of bulgur, and in the current season, experts see preconditions for exports to amount to at least 19 million tons, which will be an increase of 20% compared to last year.

In monetary terms, in 2023, the volume of bulgur deliveries from Turkey to the Russian Federation amounted to approximately $8 million. It is expected that in 2024 we will see an increase in this figure.

At the same time, Turkey is the main and practically the only supplier of bulgur for Russia.

Over the past 7 years, the volume of supplies has increased more than 5 times, and 99% of this product comes to the Russian Federation from Turkey. Experts see great opportunities for an even greater increase in volumes.

«Relations between the two countries are constantly improving, and we would like to strengthen these ties, including by increasing the volume of bulgur supplies.

To this end, we are trying to popularize the consumption of this product in Russia.

People’s need for healthy nutrition is increasing every year, and bulgur is just one of these healthy products,» says Veysel Memiş, Chairman of the Mediterranean Association of Exporters of Cereals, Legumes, Oilseeds and Products (AHBİB).

It is interesting that the production of bulgur in Turkey has very ancient roots; it is one of the original Turkish products that has long been produced using traditional technologies.

However, today a significant part of bulgur is already produced by new, industrial methods, including the construction of powerful factories for the production of such cereals.

One of the factors of success of Turkish bulgur on the world market is its price, since it is one of the lowest.

It is emphasized that Turkey mainly produces bulgur from its own wheat varieties that are best suited for this.

In addition, Turkish exporters are specifically trying to offer buyers the most attractive prices in order to increase their purchase volumes.