Agricultural business and Platform news

23 Июл 2021 Don’t make hasty decisions

The Grain Union of Kazakhstan made a proposal to temporarily suspend the adoption of measures to regulate grain exports.

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23 Июл 2021 Russian Railways is becoming an increasingly popular way to transport grain

According to statistics, in the first half of 2021, grain producers used the services of Russian Railways 15% more often than in the same period last year.

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22 Июл 2021 New deep-water berth put into operation in the port of Novorossiysk

On July 19, 2021, the first ship was loaded with grain: a bulk carrier Belfuji under the flag of the Marshall Islands.

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22 Июл 2021 Agricultural producers in Russia will be able to count on «green» money

The Russian government is currently planning to start financing «green» (environmentally friendly) projects with extrabudgetary funds.

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21 Июл 2021 In the first half of July, Ukraine exported almost a million tons of grain

In terms of productivity, farmers are setting a record: an average of 41.6 centners per hectare.

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21 Июл 2021 The introduction of duties did not affect the grain and oilseeds market in Russia

But the return of prices to the pre-pandemic level is not to be expected.

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20 Июл 2021 Conditions for issuing concessional loans in the agricultural sector may change in Russia

This is a forced measure associated with a decrease in budget funding.

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20 Июл 2021 At the beginning of July 2021, President of the Russian Federation V. Putin signed 128 laws

One of them directly concerns Russian exporters and is aimed at reducing the administrative burden.

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19 Июл 2021 A new agricultural season has begun in Russia

July 1-15, 2021. Grain exports in July may show the lowest results in the last 8 years.

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19 Июл 2021 Sugar beet crop in Russia threatened by heat

Long dry weather in the center and south of Russia may lead to a decrease in sugar harvest in the current season.

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