July 1-15, 2021. Grain exports in July may show the lowest results in the last 8 years.
In the first half of July, Russia exported 754 thousand tons of grain.

Data on current shipments in Russian ports, historical data on grain shipments since 2012 can be generated on the basis of the analytical platform Logistic OS .
The system consists of several modules: Line-up, Export Date, Ratings, Ports, Cargoes, Vessels, as well as a large number of reference books.
Users are given the opportunity to use various analytical tools and download data in the format Excel.
When there is a need to obtain comparative data in the form of ratings, then in the «Ratings» module you need to select the country, type of cargo and the required interval time (in this case, from July 01, 2021 to July 15, 2021.)
The resulting diagram shows through which ports of Russia and in what volume grain crops were shipped for export.
The platform accumulates data on export shipments since 2012, which allows you to compare indicators with the same period last year.
In the top menu bar, you just need to change the date: 07/01/2020 — 07/15/2020

Using the data obtained, it is possible to conduct versatile analytics.
Export volumes for the current agricultural year have dropped by almost 57%.
The most active shipments went through the port of Azov , which, although it lost 23% to the turnover of the same season last year, came out on top in the ratings.
For the rest of the TOP-5 ports, the indicators are as follows:
Rostov-on-Don : minus 53%
Taman : minus 18%
Novorossiysk : «minus» 75%
Yeisk : plus 48%.
The «Ratings» module allows you to immediately analyze data by the following parameters: TOP ports, TOP terminals, TOP cargoes, TOP senders, TOP destinations, TOP recipients.
Two companies: Trading House RIF and Viterra Rus (Glencore Agriculture) sent almost half of the total grain volume for export.

In general, the new export season started very weakly. July could set an anti-record for the last 8 years.
The export forecast has already been downgraded from 2.5 million tons to 2.2 million tons.
Harvesting started a week later, even compared to 2020, in which it started later than usual. In addition, there was unfavorable weather in the ports at the beginning of the month.
An important factor of such low numbers is the increasing competition in world markets from the Black Sea countries.
At the tenders of GASC (Egyptian Grain Agency), only 350 thousand tons of Russian wheat were purchased for delivery in July — mid-August. Last year this figure was 1,050 thousand tons.
The share of Russia in Egypt’s purchases fell from 81% to 30% compared to the previous season.
On the platform Logistic OS , you can analyze data on cargo, importing countries, exporters in various modules: Export Date , Ratings , Importing countries , Cargo , Shippers .
If you want to learn more about the analytical platform Logistic OS , go to link and get free trial access for 1 month.