The Chinese leadership has ambitious plans to become self-sufficient in grain production by 2025.
Analytical Platform Data Logistic OS.
A landmark event for the Baltic region took place on September 29, 2021 in St. Petersburg.
In recent years, all indicators for this crop have been going up: sown areas, yield, and annual harvest are increasing.
They may peak in Q1 2022. And this despite strong harvest figures in many countries.
Farmers are urged not to delay purchases.
The reasons may be an increase in the cost of sugar beet production against the background of a decrease in acreage.
Volumes, Top 10 exporters, main importing countries (based on the Logistic OS analytical platform).
Unpretentiousness and low cost can lead a culture from a niche to a promising one.
The Russian government plans to subsidize agricultural producers. At the same time, the amount of subsidies is proportional to the volume of the harvest.