We analyze the results of the past 10 days of August on the Logistic OS platform.
The harvesting campaign in some areas has come to an end, in some it is in full swing.
It’s a hot season for exporters.
Using the tools of the analytical platform Logistic OS, let’s sum up the results of the first days of August.
Program partners using the Ratings application can analyze the following indicators:
TOP ports, TOP terminals, TOP cargoes, TOP exporters, TOP importing countries, TOP buyers.
(see detailed instructions on working with this application)
TOP — 10 ports
August 1-10, 2020:

July 21-31, 2020:

August 1-10, 2019:

The three leaders are stable throughout all analyzed periods.
In August of this year, the port of Novorossiysk, which held it for the entire last agricultural year, left the position of the leader.
TOP-10 cargoes:
August 1-10, 2020:

July 21-31, 2020:

August 1-10, 2019:

Grains in total from 1-10 August 2020 were shipped by 9.7% less than in the same period in 2019 (1,336,889 tons and 1,480,717 tons, respectively).
TOP-10 exporters:
August 1-10, 2020:

July 21-31, 2020:

August 1-10, 2019:

Among exporters, Trading House RIF is stable, which has already grown by 24% against the same period last year and has every chance to continue to lead in the Russian grain market.
Although there are chances for leadership and JSC «ASTON» — «plus» 50% to last year.
But LLC Mirogroup Resources, which has broken out in the TOP-3 exporters in 2019/20, is still significantly behind last year’s indicators, having lost 55% and is giving way to GLENCORE AGRICULTURE IGC, which last year during this period were not even included in the TOP-10.
(The analysis was carried out in the following sections: country — Russia, group of goods — grain / pulses / oilseeds (grain))