Analytical platformLogisticOS continues the series of publications of the LOGISTIC OS JOURNAL project. In today’s issue — summary data on the export of grains and legumes BRAZIL.
The world soybean market shows a fall. This week, this commodity fell to a 4-week low, and further price declines are likely.
At present, the country is fully provided with cereals of its own production. Everything suggests that this state of affairs will continue next season.
Currently, a new variety of rapeseed is being tested in the Middle Kingdom, which can grow in winter. Canadian canola exporters are worried about this.
In the current season, sowing started very late due to weather conditions, which can negatively affect both the sown area and the final harvest.
Already in 2024, it is planned to begin the construction of such an object in the region, this will have to be done by the Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies.
Some farmers are in no hurry to sell their products in anticipation of a rise in prices, but it is unlikely to happen in the near future, experts say.
Rusagrotrans raised its export forecast for April. According to updated data, this month the Russian Federation can send abroad not 4.54 million tons of grain, but 4.64 million.
Pakistan does not have enough space to produce enough food. Combined farming can become one of the ways to solve the problem.
Potentially, the Russian Federation has every chance to increase the production and export of sugar. True, we are not talking about this season, but about a more distant prospect.