China’s ban on Canadian canola imports could deal a major blow to local farmers.
According to the latest data from Rospotrebnadzor, the most inaccessible food products for Russians in the retail network were cabbage and beets, as well as kefir.
Within the framework of the state program «Land», it is planned to put into circulation up to 2 million hectares of unused land.
Despite the less than favorable weather conditions this season, the Russian department generally maintains its forecasts for all major agricultural crops.
According to analysts, Brazil may take a leading position in agricultural production in the next 10 years.
According to the latest data, the volume of Russian wheat exports in August was a record.
Sunflower harvest forecasts in Russia are falling, but prices are practically not growing, as they follow world prices.
The A Just Russia party proposes to limit the maximum markup on the sale of the most essential products for citizens.
China may slow down rapeseed imports due to restrictions on imports of its electric cars to the EU.
According to a number of experts, high-quality marketing and export can become factors in the further development of seed selection and production in Russia.