In 2021, the global organic market will reach $ 140 billion and grow by 12%.
According to statistics, in 2020 Russia harvested up to 2.8 million tons of rapeseed (+ 21% compared to last year).
But this is less than the expected consumption volumes.
One of the largest enterprises in Russia started operating in the Voronezh region.
The country has a shortage of water and land, which leads to difficulties in the development of agriculture, and food is in short supply.
At the same time, the physical volumes of exports in January-August 2021 remained practically unchanged (+ 2.9%). But in value terms, export income increased by almost a third.
The draft budget, which is currently being considered, includes revenues from grain exports in the amount of 58.7 billion rubles, vegetable oil — 37.6 billion rubles.
The corresponding document was prepared by the government.
This applies to both seaports and increased investment in rail container transportation.
Rising prices in the global food market, climate change are factors of changes in traditional crop patterns.