Rusagrotrans became the operator of the route.
This opportunity has opened for carriers since September 6th.
Meet at the XXVI International Conference «Black Sea Grain and Oilseeds 2021/22».
Starting September 15, 2021, the export duty on wheat will increase from $ 46.5 per tonne to $ 52.5 per tonne.
Rosselkhoznadzor conducted an unscheduled inspection. Data confirmed by laboratory tests.
According to him, in the next 9 years, the production of products in the world should develop intensively in order to keep up with the growing demand.
According to preliminary data, due to flooding of agricultural land, a total loss of 2% of the crop is expected.
Support from the Interventional Sugar Fund should begin as early as next year.
The company has regained leadership in the export of vegetable oils.
In response to the experiment of Russian Railways, which tests the transportation of containers in open wagons, container operators strongly oppose and threaten the carrier with troubles.