Agricultural business and Platform news

25 Авг 2020 To China, like oil

07/01/2020 — 08/23/2020 Overview of the sunflower oil export market using the Logistic OS analytical platform.

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24 Авг 2020 Sunflower harvesting has begun in Russia. Will there be an export ban?

The Fat and Oil Union continues to insist on increasing duties and introducing quotas.

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21 Авг 2020 Big harvest is also a problem

The regions of the Volga region and the center are preparing to receive a large harvest, and purchase prices have gone down.

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20 Авг 2020 Cereal crop forecasts for 2020

This year in Russia, for the first time, crop forecasts are growing as harvest progresses, rather than declining.

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19 Авг 2020 To help farmers: news of agricultural machinery

Компания Claas провела испытания комбайна Tukano 580 с новой жатки Convio Flex 770.

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18 Авг 2020 August 10-16. The volume of export shipments is increasing

We are analyzing the results of the past week on the Logistic OS platform.

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17 Авг 2020 Moscow Exchange announced plans to start futures trading on wheat

The basis for deliveries will be a number of elevators in the Voronezh region, where testing is currently underway.

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14 Авг 2020 Krasnodar Region is a leader in the agro-industrial complex

The first rating of the regional performance in the agro-industrial complex for the 1st quarter of 2020 was presented.

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13 Авг 2020 And again the restrictions. This time rapeseed and sunflower

The Fat and Oil Union proposes to ban the export of sunflower and rapeseed outside the EAEU for 4 years.

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12 Авг 2020 The harvest rises — the price falls

The weak ruble has allowed Russian farmers to make good profits.

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