Despite the fact that in general the harvest in Russia is expected to be record-breaking, the weather may worsen sunflower indicators.
Since November 16, export duties from the Russian Federation have dropped noticeably. But this is not enough: farmers are waiting for an increase in the indicative price.
For the third year in a row, starting from 2020, the Russian Federation has managed to retain the title of net exporter of agricultural products.
This year Russia beat all possible grain harvests. However, manufacturers still have enough problems.
Despite the record harvest of this year as a whole, some items may not be enough for domestic consumption.
In the near future, it is planned to launch the System for Trading Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the EU countries.
The arrival of a new Brazilian president creates risks for America: it may lose its title as the leading exporter of corn to China.
The largest Danish freight carrier has solid revenue growth, but there are concerns about the future.
Rusagrotrans raised its forecast for grain harvest this season to 154 million tons.
Against the backdrop of a record grain harvest in Russia this season, exports are still lagging behind last year’s figures.