Agricultural business and Platform news

3 Июн 2021 May 1-31, 2021. Results of Russian grain exports

According to the analytical platform LogisticOS, wheat shipments in May fell to their lowest values since the beginning of 2021.

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2 Июн 2021 Waiting for a high harvest and lower export duties are pulling wheat prices down

Over the past week, Russian wheat on the world market has fallen in price to $ 256 per ton.

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1 Июн 2021 An intervention sugar fund may appear in Russia

It is anticipated that such a fund could be used to regulate sugar prices.

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31 мая 2021 The Union of Grain Exporters will change the work of the Russian market

Head of the Union Eduard Zernin said that the process of developing new rules is currently underway. The first version of the project will be provided in September.

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28 мая 2021 The Russian grain network will run on a Russian server

Starting this year, RZS — a system that unites all elevators in the country — has been operating on a Russian server.

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27 мая 2021 Sowing of spring crops in Russia is close to completion

Currently, sowing is going ahead of schedule. Despite the late start, there is every reason to believe that it will be completed in the near future.

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26 мая 2021 Russia intends to increase the share of legumes in agriculture

According to experts, Russian producers are currently growing insufficient quantities of legumes.

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25 мая 2021 Wheat export prices fell

Wheat prices have declined on all major global exchanges.

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24 мая 2021 Environmental ban on transshipment of goods at sea will hit prices

The law on prohibiting the transshipment of goods from ship to ship on the high seas, developed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, must protect the environment.

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21 мая 2021 Novorossiysk terminal KSK increased capacity after reconstruction

Currently, the Novorossiysk terminal of KSK has increased its throughput to 6 million tons of grain per year.

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