Agricultural business and Platform news

20 мая 2021 May 1-15, 2021. Results of Russian grain exports

Grain shipments were at the level of the first half of April 2021, but still lag significantly behind May 2020.

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19 мая 2021 Russian farmers complain about the rise in prices for fertilizers

Farmers are sounding the alarm: they say, if nothing is done, the inevitable rise in prices for grain — and therefore for all bakery products.

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18 мая 2021 The US Department of Agriculture made a forecast for the wheat harvest in the Russian Federation

According to the forecast of the USDA department, up to 85 million tons of wheat can be harvested in Russia this year.

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17 мая 2021 Russia will import sugar to contain prices

The restriction on the maximum price of a kilogram of sugar in retail chains will soon end.

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14 мая 2021 Sunflower sowing in Russia may decrease due to climate

Despite the rising price of this crop, climate change across the country could reduce production.

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13 мая 2021 April 28-29, 2021 Novorossiysk

The first international conference «GrainLogistics: Logistics for the export of grains and oilseeds.»

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12 мая 2021 Export duty on soybeans will be reduced by 10%

It is planned that starting from July it will not be 30%, but 20%. However, manufacturers and exporters believe that this is a lot.

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11 мая 2021 A non-standard situation has developed in the grain market

Russia has every chance to remain the leader in the export market, even taking into account the «eternal» duties.

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7 мая 2021 April 1-30, 2021

Analyzing the results of the past month on the basis of the AGROEXPORT analytical platform Logistic OS.

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5 мая 2021 In the summer of 2021, buckwheat becomes «restricted to travel abroad»

The story of the government using prohibitive measures to keep food prices on the domestic market continued.

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