At the moment, harvesting is almost finished, grain harvested 12.4 million tons. While it was planned about 11 million tons.
01-20 July 2021. Analytics of the export market based on the platform Logistic OS .
Some Altai buckwheat producers have suspended their production.
Compared to 2020, it has decreased by 17%.
Compared to June last year, the growth was 2.4% (Rosstat data).
State Transport Leasing Company JSC, TBI-F LLC and Barnaul Carriage Repair Plant JSC (BVRZ) signed a trilateral purchase and sale agreement.
The Grain Union of Kazakhstan made a proposal to temporarily suspend the adoption of measures to regulate grain exports.
According to statistics, in the first half of 2021, grain producers used the services of Russian Railways 15% more often than in the same period last year.
On July 19, 2021, the first ship was loaded with grain: a bulk carrier Belfuji under the flag of the Marshall Islands.
The Russian government is currently planning to start financing «green» (environmentally friendly) projects with extrabudgetary funds.