Agricultural business and Platform news

22 Мар 2021 Export duties saved soybean processing plant from closure

The Rusagro group of companies, which was planning to sell the Primorskaya Soya plant, decided to keep this enterprise and load it with work.

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19 Мар 2021 Mild winter raises forecasts for grain harvest in 2021

Considering the latest «news from the fields», the Sovekon analytical center has raised its forecast for the harvest in 2021. According to it, farmers will be able to harvest up to 79.3 million tons of wheat.

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18 Мар 2021 Vegetable oil and sugar exporters deprived of additional support

In recent months, the Russian government has been doing everything to make the export of agricultural products unprofitable.

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17 Мар 2021 Should we wait for the export duty on sunflower oil?

Such duties are becoming an increasingly popular way for the Russian government to regulate agricultural exports, and oil producers fear that this may affect them as well.

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16 Мар 2021 March 1-15, 2021. Export analytics based on the Logistic OS platform

During this period, 1.520 thousand tons of grain were shipped through the seaports of Russia.

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15 Мар 2021 Russian agro-industrial complex fears losses due to restrictions from the state

Despite the promises of the President of the Russian Federation “not to infringe on business with further restrictions,” agrarians are worried that “tightening the screws” will continue.

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12 Мар 2021 Foreign investors are losing interest in the Russian agro-industrial complex

One of the reasons for foreign investors to leave the Russian market together with their capital is the tightening of regulation. The most unpopular measure here was the introduction of quotas and duties on the export of grain and other products.

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11 Мар 2021 Wheat prices and demand are falling

In just a week, a ton of wheat has fallen in price by $ 3-7 per ton. Analysts attribute this to an increase in duties.

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10 Мар 2021 Food exports in Russia exceeded imports for the first time

In 2020, Russia sold 79 million tons of products for $ 30.7 billion abroad. This is 20% more than a year ago.

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9 Мар 2021 Over the past year, food prices have risen at a record in the world

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), global food prices have been rising for the ninth consecutive month.

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