Agricultural business and Platform news

13 Апр 2021 Demand for grain is declining in Russia

Despite the «draconian» quotas and duties on grain exports, set by the Russian government, it was not possible to achieve its surplus and reduce prices on the domestic market.

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12 Апр 2021 Concessional coronavirus loans did not help half of Russian enterprises

Every second entrepreneur who took out a loan on preferential terms eventually regrets his decision.

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9 Апр 2021 On April 7, 2021, the II Agrological Conference «GrainLogistics: New Epoch» was held

TBI Group of Companies traditionally became a sponsor of the event.

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8 Апр 2021 Several companies are fighting for the oil extraction complex «Volzhsky Terminal»

The largest complex of the Solnechnye Products company has been trying to go bankrupt and sell under the hammer for several months.

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7 Апр 2021 More and more automatic points of weight and size control appear in Russia

Since April 1, 4 more such points have been launched in the Krasnodar Territory. However, so far — in test mode.

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6 Апр 2021 Sugar production in Russia has more than halved

Compared to last year, 2.4 times less sugar was produced in the first two months of 2021.

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5 Апр 2021 New features of the Logistic OS analytical platform

The project partners now have access to information on the ports of Romania and Bulgaria.

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2 Апр 2021 1-31 March 2021

Preliminary results of grain exports through the ports of Russia based on the analytical platform Logistic OS.

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1 Апр 2021 The Russian government has extended the agreement to limit prices for sugar and butter

The agreement on sugar has been prolonged until June 1, and for vegetable oil — until October 1.

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31 Мар 2021 China activates exports via Russian railways

Sea freight to Europe is getting longer and more expensive, so China is starting to switch to trains going through Russia.

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