Agricultural business and Platform news

5 Мар 2021 Forbes has updated the rating of the largest landowners in Russia

Compared to the previous rating from 2019, there have been some shifts in the list of leaders: the companies in the second and fourth places have changed.

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4 Мар 2021 Russian Railways introduces discounts on the transportation of grains and legumes

From March to July 2021, transportation of wheat, rye, soybeans, oats, barley, corn, buckwheat, beans, peas, beans and other crops will be 38% cheaper.

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3 Мар 2021 Russian experts discuss measures to curb the rise in food prices

Some consider price cap agreements an effective way to protect themselves from “top-down restrictions,” while others believe that all these restrictions will ultimately be ineffective.

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2 Мар 2021 Export grain market. February 2021

Platform-based Shipment Analytics Logistic OS.

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1 Мар 2021 A plant for deep processing of grain will be built in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

It is planned that the construction of the facility will be completed by 2023. In total, it is planned to spend up to 30 billion rubles on the project.

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26 Фев 2021 Sunflower oil producers are afraid of imposing duties

The Fat-and-Oil Union is concerned that the Ministry of Economic Development is going to impose a duty on oil in the same way as it had previously imposed on sunflower.

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25 Фев 2021 Lentils are becoming an export crop in Russia

This culture has been constantly updating records over the past few years. They concern both the sown area, and the crop, and its sale abroad.

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24 Фев 2021 The first week in the grain export market after the introduction of duties

Analysis of shipments on February 15-21 according to the analytical platform Logistic OS .

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20 Фев 2021 Buckwheat production is under threat due to higher prices for raw materials

Companies producing buckwheat are very concerned about the fact that buckwheat is getting more expensive — and they cannot raise prices for their products.

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19 Фев 2021 Spring sowing in 2021 began in Stavropol

Agrarians of the Stavropol Territory have already opened a new season: after waiting for a short thaw, they started sowing spring crops.

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