Agricultural business and Platform news

18 Дек 2020 New Year’s «greetings» from the government for exporters

In connection with the introduction of duties on the export of wheat, the forecast of its export will be revised.

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17 Дек 2020 Almost a billion rubles in compensation will be paid to Russian farmers

926 million rubles were allocated by the Russian government to support farmers affected by weather in 2020.

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16 Дек 2020 Prices for Russian wheat began to decline

Last week the growth of the wheat rate was finally interrupted, which it demonstrated for more than two months in a row.

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15 Дек 2020 December 07-13, 2020. Export market and restrictions

Analysis of export shipments of grain based on the Logistic OS platform.

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14 Дек 2020 Export duty on sunflower and rapeseed amounted to 30%

On December 10, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree stating that the duty would be introduced as early as January 1, 2021.

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10 Дек 2020 Grain harvest in Ukraine in 2020 is much lower than expected

In 2020, Ukraine has harvested almost a third less harvest than a year ago. This threatens with big problems for the country’s economy.

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9 Дек 2020 The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has developed support measures for millers

If the bill is passed, then from March 2021, flour mills will be able to receive significant subsidies.

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8 Дек 2020 Import substitution program. Preliminary results

Success or failure? Analysts and experts do not agree on everything.

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7 Дек 2020 Russia may raise export duties on sunflower and soybeans

With a similar initiative, the Fat and Oil Union (MZhS) applied to the Ministry of Economic Development of the country.

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