According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the issue of the availability of fertilizers for Russian farmers can be resolved by fixing prices or state subsidies.
The law will enter into force on July 01, 2021, and compensation payments will begin to apply from July 01, 2022.
It is planned that the Svetly group of companies will spend up to 3 billion rubles on this project.
This conclusion was made by Syngenta, which calculates the annual development rating of agricultural producers in Russia.
Corn has already been planted in Russia on 2.9 million hectares, which is 3% more than planned.
The corresponding agreement was signed within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Meet at XXII International Grain Round «Grain Market — Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow».
At the end of May 2021, a revised draft law on multimodal transport was submitted for general discussion by the Ministry of Transport.
According to the analytical platform LogisticOS, wheat shipments in May fell to their lowest values since the beginning of 2021.
Over the past week, Russian wheat on the world market has fallen in price to $ 256 per ton.