The United Grain Company is seeking to export grain to Algeria and Iraq.
Grain is a strategically important cargo, therefore, the conditions of its transportation are given special importance.
The production of goods with high added value is growing in Russia.
The harvest of this season’s wheat has not yet been completed, and farmers have already begun sowing winter varieties.
We analyze the dynamics of grain export shipments from 01 to 10.09.2020 based on the data of the platform Logistic OS.
One of the largest Russian grain exporters plans to create its own elevator capacities.
The country plans to raise crop imports this season to a seven-year high, doubling in just two years.
Following the rise in the price of oats and wheat, the price of sunflower oil is also showing rapid growth.
Wheat prices in the world continue to increase.
The Ministry of Agriculture proposes in 2022 to refuse state support in the form of reimbursement of part of CAPEX when implementing projects in the agro-industrial complex.