Currently, the Russian Federation not only sets new records for the flax harvest, but also increases its share in the world market.
According to some reports, the growth rate of the Russian agricultural sector is slowing down. In July, for the first time in 2 years, a decline was recorded.
In August, grain exports rose by about 27%. From August 1 to August 27, about 6.4 million tons of grain were sent abroad, according to the Russian Grain Union.
The latest issue of LOGISTIC OS JOURNAL has been published on the analytical platform Logistic OS.
In today’s issue — a summary of the exports of grains and pulses AUSTRALIA (July 2022-June 2023).
Global imports of rapeseed in the 2022-23 season can reach up to 18.5 million tons. This is 3 million tons more than in the previous season.
The country owns the lion’s share of the world rice market — up to 40%. Therefore, lack of supply can lead to shortages and markedly increase prices.
The massive fires that hit Hawaii in early August were the most devastating in 100 years, but they may have been triggered by improper farming.
In recent years, the Russian agro-industrial complex has shown excellent results, but now it will not be so easy to develop.
Currently, a draft resolution has already been submitted to the government, according to which the duty will have to be extended until August 31, 2024.
At present, Africa is still very far from food independence, but it plans to move towards achieving this goal.