Agricultural business and Platform news

18 Фев 2021 Russian farmers use digital technologies to increase yields

According to statistics, in the Rostov region today, about half of large agricultural enterprises use monitoring of the movement of equipment. On the way — satellite surveillance and «precision farming».

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17 Фев 2021 On the eve of sowing, Russian farmers lack fertilizers

Many producers have already complained to the Ministry of Agriculture that, by the beginning of the sowing campaign, they cannot buy fertilizers due to a shortage in the market.

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16 Фев 2021 On February 11-12, 2021, the 12th International Conference «Where the margin is » was held in Moscow

Despite all the restrictions, the leaders of the agro-industrial sector were able to meet and discuss current problems and prospects for the development of the industry.

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15 Фев 2021 On the eve of the introduction of the duty, the maximum volume of soybeans was exported from Russia

In the week before February 1, Russian exporters «strained themselves» and sent abroad 40% of the seasonal harvest in just 7 days.

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12 Фев 2021 Russian farmers began to actively insure their risks

According to the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, some regions in Russia already insure from a quarter to half of their crops.

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11 Фев 2021 Russian seaports are switching to electronic document management

The Eurasian Economic Union has decided to completely abandon paper-based document flow in seaports and go to electronic.

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10 Фев 2021 Russian meat producers support the introduction of a grain duty

While grain producers see the duties as a loss, livestock breeders argue that the introduction of duties will keep the price of meat affordable.

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9 Фев 2021 February 1-7. Results of the first week of February 2021

A grain quota of 17.5 million tonnes has been distributed among 234 companies.

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8 Фев 2021 Export of agricultural products in 2021 may decrease

In 2020, Russia exported agricultural products worth about $ 29.4 billion. However, there is reason to believe that this value may become lower in the coming year.

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5 Фев 2021 A permanent duty will be introduced on the grain market from April 1

The already introduced duties on the export of grain, corn and barley are just the first signs of the emergence of a permanent floating duty mechanism.

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