Agricultural business and Platform news

15 Июл 2020 USA — China: who will defeat whom?

Between Russia and the United States, a serious struggle may develop for the export of agricultural products to China.

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14 Июл 2020 Logistic OS analytic platform on smartphone screen

Digitalization is increasingly encompassing various areas of both our life and business.

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13 Июл 2020 Export Analytics. Prospects for the started agricultural year

Analyzing the situation with export deliveries of agricultural products from Russia, experts note a significant decline.

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10 Июл 2020 Mutually beneficial cooperation to be

Russia continues to establish and develop international relations in the agricultural field.

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9 Июл 2020 Harvesting in the Kuban continues. Forecasts vary

Losses of Kuban farmers amounted to 45-55 billion rubles due to difficult weather conditions.

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8 Июл 2020 Export market leaders

According to the Logistic OS platform, which is also confirmed by other official sources, 76.4% of the total export in the 2019/20 season was accounted for by the 20 largest exporters.

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7 Июл 2020 How lucky and how much?

Subsidies for transportation of agricultural products may be cut.

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6 Июл 2020 Not one coronavirus…

Against the background of the ongoing harvesting suffering, according to the plans of the farmers, it is clear that there is no confidence in the future.

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3 Июл 2020 Russia is ready to substitute “shoulder” for China in increasing deliveries of agricultural products

Today, China is one of the largest importers of Russian products.

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2 Июл 2020 What went wrong with restricting sunflower exports?

Sunflower sowing, which ended in Russia, called into question the export of oil and fat products by $ 8.6 billion by 2024

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