The current situation can lead to a disruption in supplies for enterprises and a rise in salt prices.
There are only a couple of months left before the new harvest.
Such a measure of support was proposed by the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev.
Sunflower oil has become a product that has risen in retail prices by the maximum value since 2020 (+ 23.8%).
Compared to May, the food price index (CPI) in June decreased by 2.5% and amounted to 124.6 points.
In many regions, it began with a delay, but analysts believe that this should not affect the results.
The Russian government plans to lift the ban on this practice in order to support agricultural producers and stabilize prices.
Russia will once again take the leading position in the world in the supply of wheat.
Some regions have started harvesting a new crop (meeting of the operational headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia).
Full commissioning of all capacities is scheduled for 2022. Investments will amount to about 1.8 billion rubles.