Agricultural business and Platform news

4 Фев 2021 The Russian road freight market is recovering from a downturn

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2020, road cargo transportation decreased to the minimum level of 2016, judging by the volume of delivered goods.

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3 Фев 2021 Export duty on soybeans in Russia threatens producers

Farmers fear that the introduction of an export duty on soybeans in the amount of 30% of the customs value from February 1 will contribute not so much to lower prices as to ruin the industry.

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2 Фев 2021 January 2021. Results of grain export shipments

On the eve of the introduction of duties, the volume of grain exported from Russia in January amounted (according to preliminary data of the system LogisticOS ) almost 3.7 million tons.

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1 Фев 2021 Export volumes of Russian wheat overloaded the transport system

As a result of a number of factors, the volume of wheat exports from the Russian Federation increased to record levels (about 3 million tons per month). The logistics are failing.

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29 Янв 2021 The rise in prices for imports from China threatens a massive increase in prices

Importing Chinese goods today is a very expensive and problematic «pleasure.» This applies not only to sea, but also to road transport.

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28 Янв 2021 How can money find approaches to ports?

By the end of 2020, 80.1 million tons of cargo was delivered by road to the seaports of Russia for further shipment for export, which is 10.7% more than in 2019.

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27 Янв 2021 Forecast for winter crops harvest in 2021 improved

Against the backdrop of a snowy winter, the forecast for the wheat harvest in Russia this year has been increased from 76.8 to 77.7 million tons.

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26 Янв 2021 January 18-24, 2021

Analysis of grain export shipments based on the operational system LogisticOS.

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25 Янв 2021 Russia may fix prices for grain and pasta

The Ministry of Agriculture has already set maximum prices for sunflower oil and sugar. Now this mechanism is going to be extended to other products.

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