Agricultural business and Platform news

22 Янв 2021 January 2021 may become a record for the export of wheat from the Russian Federation

In the first decade of January 2020, Russia sent 0.63 million tons of wheat abroad, then in 2021 this value was 1.1 million tons.

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21 Янв 2021 Deficit in the container market is a direct path to higher import prices

Over the past three months, delivery times have increased significantly, and the cost of freight has increased several times.

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20 Янв 2021 Russian exports of oilseeds fell sharply at the end of the year

Compared to November 2020, in December shipments of oilseeds and their products from Russian river and sea ports abroad decreased by 17%.

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19 Янв 2021 January 1-15, 2021

Analysis of grain export shipments based on the analytical platform Logistic OS.

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18 Янв 2021 The duty on the export of wheat from Russia will remain forever

In 2020, the Russian government took unprecedented measures to curb grain exports. And these measures may remain for a long time.

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15 Янв 2021 We wanted the best, but it turned out the other way around

The introduction of export duties on grain by the Russian Government has spurred price increases on both the international and domestic markets.

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14 Янв 2021 2020 set a number of records in the agro-industrial complex

The past year has been challenging in many ways: from the coronavirus pandemic to the drought that led to crop failure in the southern regions of the country.

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13 Янв 2021 Will Egypt remain on the list of the largest importers of Russian wheat?

The reaction of the world market to the introduction of export duties on grain by Russia was not in Russia’s favor.

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12 Янв 2021 Coronavirus contributes to the growth of the Russian agro-industrial complex

Coronavirus restrictions, which caused a decline in almost the entire Russian economy in 2020, for the agro-industrial complex in many cases turned into a «growth point»

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11 Янв 2021 Results of 2020 for the oilseed market

2020 set a new record for the harvest of oilseeds: Russian farmers received a harvest of 24 million tons.

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