Agricultural business and Platform news

29 Июн 2020 Where did the grain «go»?

An unprecedented case of theft of grain was revealed at the Pallasov elevator.

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25 Июн 2020 Crash in the cereal market

The next adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic almost brought down wholesale prices for cereals.

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24 Июн 2020 For the fourth time in a row Russia can become a world leader in wheat export

On the eve of wheat harvesting, analysts compete in forecasts.

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22 Июн 2020 Let’s be fair

The story of incomplete customs declaration has continued.

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22 Июн 2020 What happens to the buckwheat market?

In 2020, Russia will harvest a record low crop over the past 17 years.

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21 Июн 2020 Olive oil produced in Russia becomes a reality

For the first time in Russia and in the world, Crimean scientists began planting olives in protected ground.

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20 Июн 2020 Coronovirus is not a hindrance

Despite all the negative phenomena that were caused by the COVID — 19 epidemic, Russia is steadily increasing the volume of exported products.

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19 Июн 2020 Raiffeisenbank invested $ 1.5 million in a Russian startup

Elevator Ventures venture company, part of Raiffeisenbank, together with Speedinvest investment fund invested $ 1.5 million in the Russian young company Agro.Club.

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18 Июн 2020 Duty on the export of sunflower in 2021 may grow by 20%

The Ministry of Agriculture will take measures that are ambiguous in its effectiveness since February 2021.

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17 Июн 2020 What changes await the grain market?

The Ministry of Agriculture introduced a bill for public discussion that will streamline the grain market.

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